2 - 3 Week Volunteer Projects

1.09. - 14.09.2019 and 15.09. - 28.09.2019
Tunguu - Zanzibar
Mangrove trees that are expected to stretch along coastal lines are important as animal habitats and natural seawalls. However, despite this reality Mangrove forest are among the most threatened habitats in various countries. These trees may be disappearing quickly than other inland forests than expected. Experts are informing us that, the outcome of disappearing of mangrove will result to Fisheries declines, threats to migratory bird species, degradation of clean water supplies, Salinization of coastal soils, Erosion and land subsidence.
Mangrove trees Protection for Natural Seawalls project is an initiative that aiming contribute to conservation of coastal environment to ensure sustainability of Islands by replanting mangroves in the open/destructed areas, educational and awareness raising activities, and collecting garbage in the nature.

08.09. - 28.09.2019
Tunguu - Zanzibar
Coastal environmental conservation has been an agenda in many of our local, national and international development goals for ages. Coastal Environmental Conservation through Arts, Music & Sports project is an initiative aiming to contribute to the efforts of the Tunguu community on conservation of the coastal environment. Music and Arts expression has been used for ages in various audiences as a vehicle to deliver messages.
Its role in human life needs no overemphasis since it affects all aspects of human kind. Music, Arts and sports in this particular action is expected to bring volunteers with sustainable development ideas, initiative messages to the society through the universe language of music, art and sports actions. Increased awareness and engagement in coastal environmental conservation is expected to be the end result of this project.

06.10. - 19.10.2019 and 20.10. - 02.11.2019
Mpapa - Zanzibar
Agriculture is the main part of Tanzania’s economy providing livelihoods for about 70 percent of the population. However, many local farmers struggle to make a profit and produce an adequate supply of food for their communities.
As a volunteer on the Sustainable Agriculture project in Tanzania your focus is on providing support to small-scale local farmers, resulting in improved livelihoods for farming communities and more resilient and sustainable agriculture practices. This includes planting and harvesting, daily farm work like cow milking, cleaning of the animal’s sheds, feeding animals, and helping in processing yoghurt juices, and environmental actions like tree planting and awareness raising.

10.11. - 23.11.2019 and 24.11. - 07.12.2019
Marangu - Kilimanjaro
Nature and Culture are two different terms but interconnected since one affect another. Conservation of the both has been popular topic over the decades now. This is due to the fact that, human activities are increasing every other day hence interfering the nature and cultures. This project is focusing on complex question; whether we can conserve nature and culture hence design sustainable communities
for our future.
Marangu is a community gifted with natural attractions like forest, water sources and water falls, landscapes, green vegetation throughout the year etc. However the nature has been significantly affected by human activities. Volunteers will have an opportunity to explore social, economic, spiritual and ecological issues and skills needed for developing sustainable life practices.

17.11. - 07.12.2019
Marangu - Kilimanjaro
In our really life we have experienced the fact that; a bigger percentage amount of a child’s time is spent sitting in a School environment. School environment is where children learn various skills deemed necessary and proper for them to achieve success for their future. This explain how important the school environment is for a child growth.
This project is implemented to contribute in the improvement of school environment and facilities to offer a more friendly and decent learning environment for the children. Volunteer’s activities are renovation work at the school and creating teaching aids like maps and posters, provision of garbage collection bins, hygiene education, and assistance in extracurricular activities for the kids.

10.12. - 23.12.2019
Vigoa, Temeke - Dar es Salaam
Most Schools in Tanzania has long vacation in the month of June and December where students stay home. During this time, kids are expected to join family members for extracurricular activities, educational tours and other studies outside class rooms. However, the experience has indicated that, most students do not have any structured activities that are fully involving them for personal and academic development. As a result, bad influence in the society during holiday time has affected the kids significantly since they join different peer groups and with limited supervision of their parents or guardian.
This project is therefore aiming to fill the gap through effective utilizing vacation time to allow student/kids to join structured activities that we will contribute to their growth as well allow parents to consternate in productive economic activities. Games, sport, gardening, nature activities and also academic development are in the focus of this project.
Keep in mind that these projects are subject to changes. Send us an email to receive the most updated version.

10.12. - 23.12.2019
Vigoa, Temeke - Dar es Salaam
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations, also known as the Global Goals, are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity. These 17 Goals build on the successes of the Millennium Development Goals, but also including new areas such as climate change, economic inequality, innovation, sustainable consumption, peace and justice, among other priorities. The goals are interconnected – often the key to success on one will involve tackling issues more commonly associated with another. The SDGs work in the spirit of partnership and pragmatism to make the right choices to improve life in a sustainable way for future generations. They provide clear guidelines and targets for all countries to adopt in accordance with their own priorities and the environmental challenges of the world at large.
The grassroots ownership of the SDGs is one of the factors which will lead to the desired results. In this regard, awareness creation forms part of change-oriented communication in which all the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and target are communicated to community groups in response to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. In responding to this, volunteers will become stimulated to contribute their own ideas and energies, thus contributing to live debates on sustainable issues. This will be realised through community events, interactive sessions on the SGDs and their targets, capacity building for community stakeholders and dialogue with local Government authorities in relations to SDGs and the targets.